Standard materials

Here you find a short description of the types of  “Keramikblech” are offered. We will advice you to find out which type of “Keramik­blech” is the best for our appli­ca­tion.

For appli­cations up to 950°C. This mate­rial can be used as pro­duc­tion com­po­nents for alu­minum cast­ing and furnace doors casings. The pro­duction com­po­nents for alu­min­um casting  can be surface hard­ened with zirconia and can be coated with boron nitride to get a better pro­tection against alu­min­um.

For appli­ca­tions up to 1150°C. This mate­rial is good for tubes with small diameters and for struc­tures with smooth surfaces.

For appli­ca­tions up to 1150°C. This type is used for struc­tures with large wall thick­ness and attractive com­po­nent prices. Examples are butterfly valves and sliders.

For appli­ca­tions up to 1300°C where com­po­nents with thin wall thick­ness and good mechan­ical properties are needed. This mate­rial is used for burner tubes and hot gas leading com­po­nents in facilities for testing exhaust systems.

For appli­ca­tions up to 1300°C where com­po­nents with large wall thick­ness with moderate mechan­ical pro­per­ties are needed. This type is used for large struc­tures.

Oxide/oxide ceramic matrix composite “Keramikblech”

1. Standard materials for applications up to 1100°C

2. Standard materials for applications up to 1300°C, overview