
Based on the engineering con­sult­ant Pritzkow, existing since 1990, the company Pritzkow Spezial­keramik was founded 1994. The focus is develop­ment and design of light­weight struc­tures made of ceramics for applica­tions oper­at­ing at high tem­per­a­tures under extreme con­di­tions. For the devel­op­ment of the oxide / oxide ceramic matrix com­po­site with the trade­mark “Keramik­blech” (sheet ceramic) the com­pany founder Walter Pritzkow received 1995 the Techtextil-Innov­ation Award from the inter­na­tional Tech­textil committee.

Since more than 10 years complex com­ponents based on “Keramik­blech” were devel­oped and produced by cus­tomers request. Some of these compo­nents are since more than 10.000 hours suc­cess­fully in long term opera­tion.

Since 2001 the further devel­opments of oxide / oxide ceram­ic matrix com­po­sites were done in close coopera­tion with Fraun­hofer Insti­tut für Sili­cat­for­schung. Addi­tion­ally the material test­ing is sup­ported by Uni­ver­sity Bremen, Uni­ver­sity Wupper­tal, Fraun­hofer Insti­tut für Werk­stoff­mecha­nik and Berner Fach­hoch­schule TI.

Since more than 10 years Walter Pritzkow is member of the DGM / DKG working group “Verstär­kung kera­mischer Werk­stoffe” (rein­force­ment of ceram­ic mate­rials). The latest devel­op­ments were pre­sented at natio­nal and inter­natio­nal con­fer­ences.

Since more than 5 years the partner com­pany InovaCeram is pro­ducing serial com­po­nents. InovaCeram has good com­pe­tences in furnace com­po­nents like furnace doors, slide plates, sintering aids. Several users are working with these com­po­nents under extreme con­ditions with long lifetimes.